Matrimony is by-and-large a Social-Service. But, it does not mean Free-Service as it costs. It also does not mean Business as it is connected with taking care of the most delicate human emotions fostering New-Lives. Matrimony is not merchandising. The very vital aftermath of Marriage is getting overlooked as Simply-Marry happen to be the walk-of-life. Simply-Marry means Blindly-Marry. In so doing, Social-Dynamics of Marriage is not thought about. The force behind this is sex. Nobody can deny this. In Indian-Society, the Taboo of Sex is ruinous. Marriage is an Event from where Life becomes married. As such, the remaining Life after Marriage is Married-Life. We should try to make it Happy.
New and the closest relationship of Husband and wife happens through Marriage. Through Marriage, Man and Woman unite to become Parents of a New-Life. Physically, they both are called Father and Mother but unitedly they are called Parents of the New-Life. Two have become One. They are no more Two. Indian Philosophy calls them Advait.
Aftermath of Marriage is not only this much. Aftermath of Marriage is much bigger than this. In Indian Philosophy, Marriage is called Sanskar. Sanskar means a particular pattern of behavior. In that, Husband and Wife have to face rest of the world together. This makes a very big difference in their behavior. Because of this, we are also identified as SANSKARDHAM ‘NAHA’. If there is no understanding and education in this regard on either side, there would arise problems and crimes in Human-Relationships. In our present society, there is lack of understanding and education about this, and hence there are innumerable problems and crimes. This has resulted into Miserable-Married-Life instead of Happy-Married-Life.
Nurturing by parents is the most important factor in Human-Life. The whole social-order has to recognize this, and become supportive. The aged Parents have to give complete and full-hearted support to their son and his wife in respect of their foremost relationship. The Mother-in-Law should behave like the Mother of the Daughter-in-Law. Big sacrifice of the woman who has come to stay in her house as wife of her son should be recognized. Like-wise, there are so many other things required to be understood by the whole society for Happy-Married-Life. Whole society needs to understand Social-Dynamics of Happy Married Life. Whole Social-Behavior has to change. Unless drastic steps are taken to educate the Society, Human Life will have Problems and Crimes. There is no such god who can prevent such disasters. It is now high time to take right steps in this direction and I am the first person to raise my voice against the blind-faith in the so called God which is not God at all. A foreign tourist who visited India had written following points about India in his Diary. He had written what he had seen and gathered.
1. Monkey is their god.
2. Whole country is a Toilet.
3. Animals and Human-beings live together.
4. They are celibates, yet they have more children. Strange. They say, they are god-given. Strange. Probably they are celibates during Day-Time and at Night they are gods. This is the only way to have lots of children.
5. Begging and Bribing is their Life-Style.
All the points of the Foreigner are right. This is what we are. After independence, we have multiplied our Population Four-times coupled with high Birth-Rate and high Death-Rate. We have a starving-population. Is that God-given? There is no such God. This is sheer escapism from our own responsibility in the name of God. It is like Firing in the Air.
We have the habit of begging everything from God. We have made such proverbs and slogans that God does everything. We beg from a dead picture or idol of imagined God everything what we want with a promise to give him a small part of it if he gives it. We have the belief that what we get is given by God to us. This belief looks good, but really speaking it is not true. Our getting something depends on so many factors which may not be visible clearly. The belief of god relieves us from the botheration of knowing the true reasons and factors which are not visible clearly. Problem arises in this belief when we don’t get anything for a long time. Such instances are also many. At that time, another belief of Sins of Past-Life comes to rescue. Two beliefs of ‘god’ and ‘Sins of Past-Life’ are rescuing us from the botheration of knowing true reasons and factors which are responsible for our successes and failures. Slowly the belief of Past-Life has happened to replace the belief of god. In this belief, good and bad deeds of the Past-Life are considered the causes for successes and failures in this Life. This is a very dangerous belief. What is really good and what is really bad, at any time is not known and final. What is Good is sometimes Bad and what is Bad, is sometimes Good. Who will decide this? Thus, the whole belief about good and bad deeds is baseless. This belief is full of self-deception. Those who have propagated this belief have cheated the people to earn fame for themselves.
Simultaneously, God has also remained in its position. Therefore begging and bribing the imagined Gods is also practiced and the same thing is done by all everywhere in their life. The so called Anti-corruption Department is just a show-piece which is not at all big enough to attend to the corruption complaints and hence Begging and Bribing goes on. Large population and poverty are responsible for this. Rich persons are surrounded by thousands of poor-people. They try to remain in the circle of rich persons thinking that they are all blessed by God. One morning Share-Market makes somebody of them a pauper. The said person commits suicide. Now where is God and where is Blessing.
Really speaking entire Time and Space is God. Every-Moment and Every-Thing is god. Nothing is outside Time and Space. Thus, the whole existence as it is, is God. We ourselves are also part of it. No discrimination. Here and Now is God. Existence is God.
Marriage has got to be Life-Oriented. Marriage, simply as an Event is ruinous. Life-Science of Married-Life is required to be understood. Simply-Marry is mere ritualisation of Animal Heritage. Real Human-Life starts from Marriage. Therefore, it is imperative to be educated for Life after Marriage which is called Married-Life. The new Inter-Personal relationship of Husband and Wife is required to be understood. Only Progeny is no more the sole-purpose of Marriage. Therefore Simply-Marry is absolutely out of place. Science has million-times maximized reaching-out of Human-Beings in terms of Time and Space. Communication has become instantaneous. Possibility of spreading Wrong and Right things has become vast. Therefore, it is very much imperative to spread Right things to combat Wrong things. This fact applies to every sphere of Life. Thus, matrimonial-service has to combat this evil force of Simply-Marry by educating the people for Happy-Married Life.
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